Monday, July 5, 2010

The Start of a Beginning

I decided to start a blog. It seems to be a growing trend, and I figured if I wanted to continue to be included in the family, I had better get going. Actually, I figured this would be a good way to update family and friends of goings on during and after the moving process. I hope this turns out to be enjoyable for all!

1 comment:

  1. Well, of course I'm interested in your new blog!!!! Thank you for letting me know about it! This is my first time at a blog... ever...!!!! Too fun!

    I was just thinking of you the other day, thinking that I needed to get in touch and see how things were going with the move. I have been working on stuff for my up-coming reunion, though, and that has been kind of tying up some time. In a good way, of course! I'm excited and glad to do this for my class. And I won't have much longer that I have to devote to the event, since it's going to take place this coming Saturday!

    Also, I have started working on a personal project, and I've been putting time and effort into that, trying to get it off the ground right. After I get the thing going, it shouldn't take so much effort to keep it rolling!

    So anyway.... there you go.... thanks for the blog info... I'll keep checking in on it (and you!).... take care... lotsa love to you!!!!
