Well, Val and I wanted to do some canning, so we went out to buy some produce. First we stopped by the home of an older coupe who had a sign by the side of the road advertising tomatoes for sale, so we pulled in. Bert and Ernie (Yes, that is actually their names, I am not just inserting made up ones.) had a bunch of tomatoes they were selling from their garden, so we bought all they had. Which was about half a bushel. We also bought some of their home grown potatoes. After Bert and Ernie's, we ended up at Al's Melons, a local market where they grow a lot of their own produce. They were selling bushel boxes of roma tomatoes, and the boxes were lined up on tables out in front of the market. Val and I looked at them, and chose two to take home. I went inside to start gathering the other groceries we needed with Sam while Val loaded the Jeep. Then when we checked out, it seems that someone (and I am not naming any names, Val) had put a third bushel into the car. After a stop to buy canning jars, we went home to can!

Can you spy the conjoined twin tomatoes?