Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Serving up Leftovers

Today was a great day. I got up fairly early and got to work in the kitchen preparing multi-grain bread to have with our lentil soup and baklava (all three from scratch) for our lunch guest, Matt (visit him at: Matt is a friend we met at church and he is an all around super-great guy, and also one of our pastors. My cousin, her husband and I all really enjoy his company as well as the entertaining and stimulating conversations that ensue. Matt also lent me a book that I read today (more to come in another post). So, as I mentioned, it was a great day. I cooked, entertained a friend and read; all of which are among my favorite things to do!

And since I forgot to get a picture of everything before hand, here is a pic of our leftovers!

Thank you for your time today Matt, we look forward to your next visit!

1 comment:

  1. The food, company, and everything was a great blessing to me! Thanks for dedicating such time and skill to making such a great meal!
